
International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD)

Founded in 1969 and based in Chicago, IL, USA, the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) is an internationally recognized organization dedicated solely to the concerns of independent, professional lighting designers. The IALD strives to set the global standard for lighting design excellence by promoting the advancement and recognition of professional lighting designers.


The IES, founded in 1906, has had a rich past; its second century promises an exciting future. The IES is a collegial community dedicated to improving the lighted environment. The IES is composed of a diverse membership, all with an interest in and a dedication to good lighting. Over one thousand of these members serve on committees, most serving on the Society’s document development committees; these committees develop standards, design guides, technical memoranda, lighting energy management materials, guidelines and lighting measurement, testing and calculation guides.

The US Green Building Council

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and its community are changing the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated. We believe in better buildings; places that complement our environment and enhance our communities. Places that give people better, brighter, healthier spaces to live, work and play. Green building is a win-win, offering both environmental and economic opportunity. Greater building efficiency can meet 85 percent of future demand for energy in the United States and a commitment to green building has the potential to generate 2.5 million jobs.